Donation till IWW

På uppdrag av SAC:s Centralkommitté donerade SAC i mars en summa pengar till den IWW-aktivist som sköts och skadades allvarligt i Seattle (WA, USA) fredagen den 20 januari. Summan på $520 (cirka 5000 SEK) går till IWW för att betala aktivistens sjukhusräkning. Nedan följer SAC:s officiella stöduttalande, antaget 29 januari 2017. 

Letter of Support

As the Central Comittee meet today, we are reached by the appalling news of a Fellow Worker in the IWW’s General Defense Committee and anti-fascist activist, has been attacked and shot Friday January 20th.
We send out a hand of support and a fist of condemnation. And thoughts of Solidarity to all FW ́s, friends and family.

In Solidarity
Central Committee/SACStockholm
Sweden January 29th, 2017